Saturday, October 11, 2008

Finally! Objectivity...Forget the Emotion

When there is an important decision to be made in my work or at home I try to take as much emotion out of it and look at what makes the most sense. The Presidential campaign is an example. It's all about emotion; the facts are just inconvenient. Rather than listen to a television news person tell me what they think, I wanted to find out what the truth really is about each person without any spin. So, off on the web search I went.

I found a great website with just the stuff I was looking for. is the place. Impartial, balanced, "just the facts, ma'am" information without the opinion. When you read the "About Us" tab you find that it's supported by volunteers for all political persuasions and intentionally balanced. If a Republican helps them, a Democrat is also enlisted. Interesting. There are some big names in there as well. Check it out.

The information I was looking for was there for every candidate in every election I could think of including President. Biographies, voting records, issue positions, speeches and public statements verbatim, endorsements, and campaign finance records are all there.

So, let me get to the real meat of this post. I wanted to see who had the resume to be President between Obama and McCain.

I want a leader who has had experience LEADING.

I have hiring responsibility at my work and when I'm looking for someone, there are usually a fair number who could probably do the job due to their aptitude and education, and those who have those prerequisites and have done the job for a while. Our company really isn't a training ground; we need experience right out of the chute and the broader the range of experience, the more life lessons the individual has to draw upon to make their decisions.

A good leader will surround himself with good people whose advise he can trust but ultimately the decisions have to be made by him alone. At that point is where his knowledge and experience, judgement, and instinct guide him to what he believes is the right choice, and there is where there is a glaring difference between the candidates.

When you look objectively at the two candidates, there is no doubt which one has more experience and knowledge of important matters to our country. Put your emotion aside for a while and look at the facts of this important matter.

While you're there, check our your state and local candidates as well and if you like what the folks at Votesmart have done, say thanks with a 10-spot.

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